Ostin tämän ison ja lämpimän putkihuivin pari kuukautta sitten Rovaniemen Sampokeskuksesta. Käytössä se ei ole vielä ollut kovin paljon, en ole oikein päässyt sinuksi sen suureen koon kanssa. Mutta matkoilla se tulee olemaan oivallinen kirkkohuivi. - Nefertitin taustalla on menossa katolinen jumalanpalvelus Suomessa 1400 -luvulla.
In this blog I present my Nefertiti statue wearing scarves that have been found their way to my wardrobe over the past decades. Photos are also accompanied by stories and memories. I have received scarves as gifts or souvenirs and I have purchased them from flea markets and from fancy scarf boutiques as well. Some scarfs have been chosen for a specific use: choir performance, country dance and show dance. Not a single scarf is trifling. Every one of them has its time, its place and its way.
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